Lalitpur, Nepal
Python developer with an experience of working for more than 5 years in Software Development.
Flask and Django Expert.
A knowledge engineering graduate with interest in data, statistics, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.
Have experience with big data technologies like Hadoop, HDFS, zookeeper, Kerberos, etc.
Familiar with tools and technologies for software development: Git, Vim, Agile, Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence, Docker, AWS, Jenkins, ETL etc. and in Linux, Unix or Windows OS.
English, Hindi, Nepali
Numpy, Scipy, ScikitLearn, Keras, Tensorflow, Kazoo
5 years as Backend Software Engineer
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apache Airflow, Backend Development, Data Science, Django, Docker, Flask, Gunicorn, Machine Learning, MongoDB, Natural Language Processing, NumPy, PostgreSQL, SciPy, Scrapy, Web Scraping