Kamran Hossain

Mid Level Django Developer | Data Science Practitioner

Dhaka, Bangladesh


I am a Python Developer. Working with Django, Django Rest Framework, Graphene-Django and other 3rd Party Django Packages to build robust web applications and Backend APIs. From simple website to Complex Ecommerce Web Applications with social authentication.
My working area of Django are Django ORM, Views, URL, Admin and template engine.

In other hand I learn various deployment method of Django like AWS, DigitalOcean, PythonAnywhere, Webfaction and Heroku.


Bengali, English, Hindi, Urdu

Favorite Python Packages:

pip, django, django rest framework, graphene, django-graphene, Requests, Pillow, Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Scikit Learn, SFrame, BeautifulSoup, matplotlib,jupyter notebook, pdb, pytz, dj-database-url, psycopg2, django-storages, django-bootstrap3, django-braces,django-rest-framework-social-oauth2



Oct 2017 to Present

Remote Job, London, UK.

Software Developer

Working on Digital Marketplace. Backend with Django and related 3rd party packages. Frontend with Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery. Payment Integration BrainTree/Stripe Payment Gateway.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Celery, Data Science, Django, Django REST Framework, Flask, Git, Gunicorn, JavaScript, Linux, Machine Learning, Memcached, MySQL, Natural Language Processing, Nginx, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, ReactJS, Redis, Scrapy, Selenium, Solr, Virtualenv, Web Development, jQuery

Joined: November 2017