Ruan Arcega

Backend Developer

Joinville, Brazil


Working as a developer in building and maintaining RESTFUL APIs with Python, using Sanic, Flask and Django web frameworks.


English, Portuguese

Favorite Python Packages:

asyncio, sanic, flask, django


Working as a developer in building and maintaining RESTFUL APIs with Python, using Sanic, Flask and Django web frameworks.

Performing Front-End activities with SPA web application, technologies involved VueJS, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Software architecture strategy involves microservices, using Docker to run services and RabbitMQ (AMQP) to perform communication between them.

Unit test (Test Driven Development) and integration tests.

Scripts with Shellscript.

Good grasp of GIT.

Database: MongoDB/MySQL.

Agile development methodology.

Provisioning machines with Ansible.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Backend Development, DevOps, Django REST Framework, Docker, Flask, Git, Kubernetes, Linux, MongoDB, MySQL, Nginx, RabbitMQ, Test-Driven Development, Vagrant, Virtualenv, Web Development

Joined: November 2017