Nádia Ossenkop

Developer, anthropologist

Mainz, Germany


Linux user and admirer of the Open Source philosophy, I started my experience in the world of programming by learning basic knowledge of HTML and CSS to build a personal blog. Since 2019 I have been learning Python and SQL with the help of online courses and a private teacher, developing personal projects to consolidate the knowledge.
During my academic background I was involved in research projects that prioritized interdisciplinary approaches (history, mathematics, music and anthropology). In this way, besides developing analytical and interpretative skills of data and results from different sciences, I learned to work in an autonomous, disciplined and flexible way.


English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:




I developed an e-commerce website with python, Django, SQL, API as the final work of the 100 hours bootcamp of Magalu - Brazilian company.


Ada Lovelance - Website

I developed the following page ( https://siteada--pyriguete.repl.co/) as a result of the 50 hours course of PrograMaria - an organization that encourages women in the IT. I used HTML, CSS und JavaScript.


Assistant Professor of Intercultural Communication | Justus-Liebig-University

April 2017 - July 2017

I taught lectures, followed the researches and the correction of the works. The course was a theoretical introduction of sociolinguistic and anthropological concepts in intercultural communication.


Backend Development, Django REST Framework, Git, Linux, Pandas, PostgreSQL, REST

Joined: December 2020