Heartman Sibanda

Developer in the making

Harare, Zimbabwe


I love python, its elegant and simple. I have been using python for 3 years now.



Favorite Python Packages:

Django, DRF, numpy, matplotlib, Tensorfloe,Keras, Wagtail,BeutifulSoup, Celery,Redis


I  worked with Pthon , Django, ReactJS , Celery, Wagtail and React Native at Inonit for full time since October 2019, while i was also working part time at Raphta since August 2020, where we worked with django and Tensorflow. I have aslo worked with css js and hml for the frontend. I have also worked with preproccessors.


Celery, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Git, Linux, ReactJS, Redis, Redux, TensorFlow, Web Development, Web Scraping

Joined: September 2020