Taner Akdeniz

ML Engineer with deep experience in NLP

Istanbul, Turkey


An ML engineer who likes to solve all kinds of NLP problems


English, Turkish

Favorite Python Packages:

PyTorch, Tensorflow, FastAPI, Streamlit, SQLAlchemy, pyTesseract, OpenCV-Python, Pillow, Pandas, Numpy, PyMuPDF, Transformers, Ray, Spacy, NLTK


* Personal Data Discovery and De-Identification on  unstructered documents (Named Entity Recognition, BERT, Regular Expressions, Context Search, FastAPI Interface, Image Processing, Tesseract OCR, PIL, OpenCV, Template Matching, De-Skewing)

* Zero-Shot Question&Answering with XLM-RoBERTa

* Zero-Shot Classification with XLM-RoBERTa

* Turkish Pipeline for Spacy

* Green Business Process Management (optimized for low carbon footprint)

* Process Mining


Data Science, FastAPI, Git, Heroku, Keras, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, PyTorch, REST, SQL, SQLAlchemy, TensorFlow, Virtualenv

Joined: June 2022