Kris Chou

Full stack python developer

Shenyang, Lioaning, China, China


I wrote my first program when I was 14 and I started my career as a C/C++ developer on Linux environment.
I felt passionate interest in python nearly 4 years ago and dived into it.
For further opportunities, I will surely work on python first.
I am currently brushing up my skills in data science and will become data scientist as well as python guru.


Chinese, English

Favorite Python Packages:

Django, Flask, BS4, Scrapy, Numpy, Pandas, Request, Urllib, opencv, plotly, matplotlib, dash, seaborn, PyQt5, PySide2, PIL, Pytest


Backend Development, Django, Django REST Framework, Flask, Git, GraphQL, JavaScript, Linux, Matplotlib, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, PyQt, PySide, RabbitMQ, ReactJS, Redis, Redux, SQLAlchemy, Scrapy, Selenium, Spark, TensorFlow, Virtualenv, Visualization, Vue.js, Web Development, Web Scraping, jQuery

Joined: September 2020