George Yabra

Automation Specialist & Cross Platform Developer

Mexico City, Mexico


I have been developing cross platform software for over 10 years for clients all over the world.

I'm specialized in writting automation tools for Data ETL and bot interfaces.

I consider myswlf as an expert web scraper, I always write my own spiders and scrapers from scratch. I make use of proxy and user agent rotation to increase reliability.

Some examples of what I'm most experienced in are:

• Twitter, Reddit and Discord bots.
• Automating user behaviour with Selenium.
• Email and SMS automation using Sendgrid and Twilio.
• Web scrapers and data miners with Requests, BeautifulSoup and Selenium.
• XML, JSON, CSV, PDF file manipulation and conversion.
• EDA with Pandas, NumPy and Matplotlib

I also have experience saving, retrieving and manipulating data with:

• MongoDB
• Firebase
• SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB


English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

BeautifulSoup, Requests, Selenium, PRAW, pandas, matplotlib,NumPy.


In my free time I like to work on personal projects that often feature several skills and tecniques I use for real world projects.

Article Summarizer

A Reddit bot that summarizes news articles written in Spanish. It uses a custom built algorithm to rank words and sentences.

Mexican Jobs Project

Reddit bots, web scraper and utility scripts used to perform EDA on thousands of job listings from the official Mexican job board.

PREP 2018

A Python bot that synchronizes the PREP and Reddit with the latest results from the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election.


Data Science, Flask, Git, Linux, Pandas, PostgreSQL, SQL, Selenium, Web Scraping

Joined: February 2019