Ai Oakenfull

Highly motivated full stack developer looking for professional experience

Auckland, New Zealand


With over 10 years experience in IT System Support & System Engineering it was time to explore a new career pathway that would allow me to combine my creativity alongside a love for technology. This led me to complete Python Web Development courses in Django
and Flask as well as Javascript, JQuery, Node.js, and React.js courses. I am currently studying toward AWS Certified Developer certification.
I constantly seek for a new technology and its better understanding, therefore ongoing study is a second nature.
I am excited to enter into a junior developer role that will allow me to deliver interactive full stack web applications to end users and apply my newly acquired programming skills.


English, Japanese

Favorite Python Packages:

Django, Flask,


MAY 2022 Volunteer Full Stack Web Developer
Japan Kauri Education Trust, Auckland, NZ

Key Responsibilities:

  • Designed and built whole application with Django/PostgreSQL/Bootstrap/CSS.

  • Customise the application in liaison with admin staff in response to their user experience.

  • Recently migrated data and changed hosting providers from Heroku to Render (


Django, Flask, Fullstack Development, Git, JavaScript

Joined: December 2022