Greg Wolf

Senior Python Developer, Background Focused

Denver, Colorado, United States


Innovative Python Developer with a strong understanding of object-oriented programming principles, data structures, and algorithms. Proven track record of delivering high-quality software solutions that surpass client expectations. Proficient in developing and deploying robust applications, with a focus on clean code and adherence to best practices. Skilled in using Python frameworks such as Django and Flask, as well as front-end technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Successfully developed and integrated RESTful APIs, microservices, and worked with SQL and NoSQL databases. Collaborative team player with excellent communication skills, committed to continuously improving skills and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies.



Favorite Python Packages:

Flask Tornado FastAPI NuPIC NumPy Caffe2 SciPy Pandas Matplotlib Keras Chaine PyTorch Scrapy BeautifulSoup LightGBM ELI5 Theano SciKit-Learn Ramp Pipenv Bob PyBrain TensorFlow


  • Collaborated with a team to develop secure compliance applications that integrate with Qualsys API, improving data accuracy and compliance for clients.
  • Modified and created Kubernetes helm charts and templates to deploy Flask and FastAPI microservices, reducing deployment time by 30% and improving scalability.
  • Conducted thorough unit and functional testing and used PDB and Pycharm to debug code, ensuring a bug-free application.
  • Designed and implemented a RESTful API using Django REST Framework, which increased API functionality and enhanced the user experience by 35%.
  • Deployed a Kubernetes authentication flow service utilizing Envoy, OAuth2, OpenID, and Open Policy Agent, which enhanced security measures and increased system efficiency.
  • Developed a machine learning-based monitoring and alerting application, which reduced on-call team hours by 50% and improved system reliability.
  • Demonstrated exceptional innovation by creating an agnostic HTTP REST API client in Python, reducing development time by 50% and simplifying vendor integrations. 
  • Implemented the client as an asynchronous context manager with configuration data models using Pydantic, providing seamless integration with other systems. 
  • Displayed strong teamwork skills by working on a team developing an Electron application, developing and debugging UI javascript with React and Python back-end services in a Docker container. 
  • Showcased exceptional technical expertise by creating a Python microservice to collect data from Azure logging and pass messages into Kafka, deploying it using Kubernetes with a Docker file and container image. 
  • Utilized the unittest framework to write thorough unit tests in Python, creating classes to mock complex objects and ensuring compliance with coverage requirements, while monitoring tests and builds in Jenkins as part of a CI/CD pipeline. 
  • Developed application features in Python, expertly integrating with databases including GraphQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL, developing and testing GraphQL mutations in Hasura, creating Python database models, and managing versions with Alembic.
  • Developed multiple applications including DNS-over-HTTPS, task automation, docker cluster and firewall management, data parsing, and distributed computing in Python 3, while adhering to company style guide, and creating thorough documentation. 
  • Deployed and configured InfluxDB and Apache Kafka, utilizing Python to create efficient database classes for storing testing results and telemetry data. 
  • Displayed strong teamwork skills by working in a Scaled Agile Framework environment, creating and updating JIRA stories, committing code to GitLab, and consistently passing code reviews with 100% scores. 
  • Expertly deployed and administered Grafana and Prometheus for telemetry and data visualization, while writing Prometheus data exporters in Python for multiple software packages on CentOS and Debian Linux, creating custom Grafana graphs and dashboards, and providing comprehensive documentation. 
  • Deployed and administered secure CentOS and Debian Linux virtual machines in VMware ESXi, performing backups and server migrations to ensure the stability of the system.
  • Provided Tier I technical support to company employees, addressing and resolving over 500 technical issues per month on average, with a customer satisfaction rate of 95%.
  • Streamlined user administration in Active Directory, SAP, and AS/400, reducing user management time by 30%.
  • Resolved NagiOs alerts and monitored datacenter environmental conditions, ensuring high system availability and uptime.
  • Improved network performance by troubleshooting and resolving network issues, driving a 20% reduction in network downtime.
  • Collaborated effectively with network engineering teams to escalate and resolve complex network issues, ensuring faster issue resolution and reduced downtime.
  • Maintained accurate and up-to-date documentation of technical issues and resolutions, providing valuable insights for future troubleshooting and improving overall support efficiency.
  • Developed a Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) application with Python and Django that enabled seamless monitoring and management of remote servers.
  • Created Python applications that automated network tasks, configured devices, and set policies via the UniFi JSON API, driving a reduction in manual intervention, increased accuracy, and faster response times. 
  • Demonstrated expertise in configuring and administering Ubiquiti security gateways, routers, switches, and access points, improving network security and reliable connectivity.
  • Led the requirements gathering process for TCP/IP networks, designed networks, and directed network installation to achieve a seamless and efficient network performance that met the needs of end-users and stakeholders.
  • Developed a website with PHP, demonstrating expertise in website development and deployment, and administering secure website and email servers.
  • Served as an SME in system administration, effectively training staff on data privacy and security best practices, ensuring that the organization's data remained secure. 
  • Showcased exceptional customer service and technical skills as an administrator of the help desk, providing Windows Vista/7/8/10 and MacOS desktop support to campaign members by phone, chat, and email, resolving issues in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Created a Python application to fingerprint client stacks, saving the data into MySQL and presenting it with Django to decrease my team’s proactive response time to emerging security threats.
  • Developed security tools and applications using python, wrote scripts in BASH and PowerShell.
  • Managed security appliance infrastructure in AWS, assisted customers with appliance deployment in EC2.
  • Served as a coach to colleagues on web application security, writing guides, and conducting exercises.
  • Wrote detection signatures for Snort IDS and proprietary web application firewalls.
  • Analyzed TCP/IP packet capture with Wireshark and HTTP client requests using Fiddler.
  • Operated lab environments running Centos and Debian Linux on VMWare workstation, conducting penetration testing with Burp Suite, nmap, Metasploit, and Meterpreter.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Backend Development, Django, Docker, FastAPI, Flask, Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), JavaScript, Kafka, Kubernetes, Linux, MySQL, Natural Language Processing, NumPy, PostgreSQL, Terraform, Web Development

Joined: March 2023