Steve Kossouho

Senior Python/Django Developer

Toulouse, France


Interested in missions where a company wants insight, design decisions and maintainable, testable and solid code for a project around a specific product.


English, French

Favorite Python Packages:

django, celery, unidecode, pendulum, requests, furl, psycopg2-cffi, djangorestframework, django-cachalot, django-debug-toolbar, django-haystack, django-pretty-times, django-redis, django-rosetta, easy-thumbnails, fabric, gunicorn, ipy, ipython, bpython, isort, flake8, pylint, ngram, psutil, pygeoip


24+ years of coding and 14 professionally.


Apache, Celery, Django, Django REST Framework, Elasticsearch, Fabric, Git, GraphQL, Gunicorn, JavaScript, Linux, Machine Learning, Memcached, MySQL, Natural Language Processing, Nginx, NumPy, PostgreSQL, PyQt, RabbitMQ, Redis, SQL, Selenium, Virtualenv, Web Development, Web Scraping, jQuery

Joined: March 2019