David Romero Rodríguez

QA Analyst / Data Analyst / Developer

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain


Programming lover based in Spain. Always trying to learn new things and put them in practice.

Actually working with data pipelines, automated and manual tests and computer vision algorythms on a local company, with hybrid work model. Looking for new challenges, new knowledge and better personal life/professional life balance with remote jobs.


Catalan; Valencian, English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Selenium, SQLite3, OpenCV-Python, Behave, PyQT/Tkinter, BeautifulSoup, Tensorflow-Keras, Threading, Flask, Django, Unittest, Requests,


Neural Labs S.L. — QA Analyst / Automation / Computer Vision - July 2022-2023 (Current job)


-Unit tests for company signature products (Unittest, Behave, Selenium).

-Automation of data processes with Python (Pandas, Matplotlib, Selenium, SQL/SQLite, PowerBI).

-Developing GUI applications for intern tasks with Python (Tkinter, PyQt).

-Image processing for neural networks training (OpenCV, Docker).

Institut Obert de Catalunya - Developer - January 2022 to June 2022 


-Design and implementation of relational databases (PostgreSQL & MySQL).

-Design and implementation of data automation algorithms (Pandas). -

-Design and implementation of GUI applications (Tkinter, MVC based).

-Development of a web application for student's data management with Django.

-Development of API Rest for student’s data management with Flask-Restful.


Backend Development, Docker, Flask, Git, Heroku, Keras, Matplotlib, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, PyQt, SQL, Selenium, TensorFlow, Web Scraping

Joined: May 2023