Dmitry Arkhipenko

Python backend developer

Moscow, Russian Federation


I make restful backends for websites and mobile apps using Django for about three years now. I mostly do backend work, but I also do CI/CD and frontends from time to time.
I'm open to new knowledge and ideas, can easily integrate new parts into existing systems.
I am open to any projects that can use serious beckend help. Let me know if you have some!


English, Russian

Favorite Python Packages:

Django, RestFramework, ipython, sentry-sdk, selenium, factory-boy, ansible


Well, there's a lot of tech here. All kinds of backend stuff, such as:

  • Django, FastAPI, Flask

Some database stuff:

  • SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, Peewee.

Some tracking / analytics stuff:

  • Sentry, zabbix, graphana

Containers-related and deployment-related stuff:

  • Docker, swarm, ansible

Some management, workflow-related stuff:

  • Gitlab, jira, confluence.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Celery, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Flask, Frontend Development, Fullstack Development, Git, Gunicorn, Heroku, JavaScript, Linux, MongoDB, Nginx, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, PyTorch, RabbitMQ, ReactJS, Redis, Redux, Scrapy, Selenium, Virtualenv, Web Development, Web Scraping, uWSGI

Joined: November 2018