Himanshu Singh

Cover Letter

Thessaloniki, Greece


I have been doing backend development for more than 6 years, specifically Python based (Django, Flask) for more than 2 years. I have been working remotely for past one year.
1. Proficient in Python, SQL (PostgreSQL)
2. Specialize in Django/Django-Rest-Framework and Flask web frameworks
3. Solid application of TDD using both unittest and Pytest
4. CI/CD using TravisCI, Github
5. Comfortable using SQLAlchemy and DjangoORM.
6. Comfortable with asynchronous tech-stack like Celery, RabbitMQ, django-q
7. Past experience (4 years) in .NET stack including .NET MVC, C#, SQL-Server, T-SQL, Windows Forms
8. Proactive, self-starter and responsible.
I have attached a copy of my resume that details my experience.
I can be reached anytime via my email: himanshu.p.singh.hps@gmail.com
Thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to speaking with you.



Favorite Python Packages:

SQLAlchemy, Django Rest Framework, Django, Flask


Backend Engineer 6 years+ of solid experience in Python, Django, Django Rest Framework, .NET (C# and .NET MVC) and SQL Server


Himanshu Singh
Email: himanshu.p.singh.hps@gmail.com

Github profile : https://github.com/tek-shinobi/

Blog : http://tekshinobi.com/

PyPi  profile: https://pypi.org/user/tek.shinobi/




Django, Django REST Framework, Flask, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy

Joined: May 2020