Muhammad Arsalan Mudni

Python Developer (Backenf/Data)

Lahore, Pakistan


I am a python developer and enthusiastic problem solver. I have worked on many problems regarding testing server deployment , small services using systemd units on Ubuntu server and Backend REST API's. Currently I am working on big data problem and working on solution which involves prestodb, apache spark, pandas and hive.


English, Urdu

Favorite Python Packages:

Django, djangorestframework, Django ORM, imaolib, smtplib, selenium, beautifulsoup4, pyjwt, cryptography, jsonschema, pyarrow, pandas, presto-python-client, celery, scapy, mysqlclient, pymongo, redis, django-cors-headers, pyyaml, pyspark, jupyter, re


Worked on scraping for scrapping data from different commercial websites using python libraries i.e. beautifulsoup, scrapy
Worked on scrapping data from sites where JS rendering was required using browser automation library i.e. selenium
Worked on network traffic simulation project where a pcap was provided as input and script used to run provided packet's payloads to those hosts. Script was developed in python using scapy library
Worked on scapy for network traffic filteration, crafting network packets and capture threats source by simulating source behaviour.
Used IMAP protocol based alerts in scripts using python imaplib library
Worked on django REST API's with Django ORM to write a scalable and optimised solution for SlashNext's crawling services
Developement and deployment of django REST API with apache server.
Have worked on high performance data insertion and updations with python and django orm only using postgresql DB backend
Developed scripts to configure and install python scripts under linux systemd as services for reliable execution
Developed a domain resolution service for crawlers using multiprocessing approach to resolve a large number of domains in realtime
Worked on large stream of data giving ~12 million records per day. Processed the required data stream in realtime using a reliable architecure and multithreading approach
Developed a reporting service which generates data statistics from DBMS on hourly basis as CSV formatted report and send those to all stakeholders in email using libraries i.e. pandas, imaplib
Developing deployment scripts in python and bash for reliable deployment on staging and production servers
Development of test cases for completed projects using unittest module
Committing updated code on gitlab from time to time and writing markdown documents for about the project flow to keep project information up-to-date
Developing script for filteration of data on Regex based and writing required Regex for that purpose


Apache, Backend Development, Big Data, Celery, Django, Django Channels, Django REST Framework, Docker, Flask, Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), GraphQL, Gunicorn, Kafka, Linux, MongoDB, MySQL, Nginx, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, SQLAlchemy, Spark, Test-Driven Development, Virtualenv, uWSGI

Joined: June 2020