Martinho Hoffman

Back-end developer

Sao Paulo, Brazil


Brazilian python developer with 2+ years of experience, mainly in Python, AWS microservices,

Favorite Python Packages:

pandas, scikit-learn


Technical Lead
SUTHUB - Aug 2020 - Current
Interfacing with clients and partners, API integration, training and managing of developers. Currently working with some of the largest insurance and financial companies in Brazil on creating large scale insurance sales systems online.

Back End Developer
SUTHUB - Feb 2019 - Aug 2020
Platform development and maintenance, back-end API integrations with clients and partners using Python, AWS microservices, MYSQL and NOSQL, REST and SOAP.

Ruby on Rails Developer
Nov 2018 - May 2019
Full stack development using Ruby, Rails, HTML, CSS and Javascript

Teaching Assistant
Le Wagon
Feb 2019 - Mar 2019
Ruby, Rails and Javascript teaching in Web development bootcamp.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Data Science, Git, Heroku, Matplotlib, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, SQL, Web Development

Joined: November 2020