Sadh Ibna Rahmat

Backend developer (Python/Django) and machine learning enthusiast

Dhaka, Bangladesh


I am a Django/Python developer.

I am interesting in backend development or full stack development and Data Science.
Looking for interesting projects to improve my skills and learn new things.

Experience with Python/Django - 3+ year.

Came to Python from Java (Android development).
Have 4,5 years experience working remotely.

I have experience with:
- Django, Python, DRF, Flask
- JavaScript, NodeJs
-Lisp (Parser)
- Git, Jira, Jenkins
- Celery, Elasticsearch, Logstash, Firebase, AWS SQS
- Heroku, AWS, DigitalOcean (deployment)
- PostgreSQL, MySQL, RedShift, Aurora


Bengali, English

Favorite Python Packages:

Requests, Twisted, Django, djangorestframework, channels, Flask, IPython, Pillow, nose, wxPython, SQLAlchemy, PyMongo, Psycopg2, SciPy, Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-Learn, ntlk, SymPy, StatsModels, Pylearn2, gensim, NetworkX, Crab, MatplotLib, Scrapy, Pyquery, BeautifulSoup, PyParsing


Cloudly (2014-2017)

  • Developed SQL schema converter using Lisp and Python.
  • Designed and developed SQL data converter using Python.
  • Designed and developed automatic migration script for AWS RDS, Redshift, Aurora using Boto/Python.
  • Designed and developed offline distributed RDMS migration system using AWS SQS and S3.
  • Designed and developed live RDMS migration system using AWS DMS.
  • Lead the beckend team for A learning management system using Django/Python.

Servicely (2012-2014)

  • Worked with a team of developer remotely in a project for Truaxis/Mastercard using Spring, JBoss.
  • Developed a prototype of AWS SQS message based distributed system using NodeJs, Python.

Freelancer (2011-2012)

  • Developed a Youtube music downloader app.

Student Projects (2010-2011)

  • Developed a UDP based transport protocol with acknowledgment and retransmission using Java.
  • Developed a Bus Stoppage locator app using Android, Google Map API and PHP.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Apache, Artificial Intelligence, Django, Django Channels, Django REST Framework, Docker, Elasticsearch, Fabric, Flask, Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Gunicorn, Heroku, JavaScript, Jenkins, Linux, Machine Learning, Memcached, MySQL, Natural Language Processing, Nginx, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, SQLAlchemy, SciPy, Virtualenv, Web Scraping, jQuery

Joined: December 2017