Priya Ranjan

Full stack Python Django Cloud Developer

Pune, India


My core strength is Python - Django - PostgreSQL which are my goto tools to solve most of my problems related to Web - Mobile and Cloud development. I use other components if required to accelerate or augment my solution.



Favorite Python Packages:

Django requests asyncpg starlette pandas psycopg2 numba Flask responder celery matplotlib


I'm a Computer Science graduate adn a passionate technology enthusiast as a full stack developer in Python, with emphasis on backend development.

I am deeply interested in designing and building solution that have high throughput, easy to maintain

and extend and provide more for less and has high test coverage.

I'm currently working as Digital Solution architect where I'm tasked to develop and mentor the team here in

two end to end products, in Python language, with Jenkins CI/CD Devops pipeline in AWS, Azure and GCP

on top of Kubernetes following Microservice architecture.

These assets have to have code review(on internal Github), complete test code coverage, documentation, unit and

integration tests which are run as job on each commit in Jenkis. Further Sonar test harness to test code quality etc.

These assets have PostgreSQL as relational which is maintained as Statefulset with ETL jobs running to feed into

big data systems Hadoop(Reporting) and Spark(ML Algorithms), which then has been enabled by to be explored using Jupyter notebooks for

the datascience team, reporting and creating predictive notification.

Currently we use statistics to provide customers view on mobile on availability, and logistic regression for slot availbility.

We are also using Speech Recognition technology to do sentiment analysis on logged call data, and overall predictive analytics

for maintainence. All the data engineering is being handled by me, by using Kafka.

As these two Products are following Agile methodologies, I'm acting as a scrum master as well for the core squad, where

i define epic, features, backlog, do spring planning, reporting and retrospective at the end of it.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Django, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL

Joined: January 2017