Evan Mildenberger

Autonomous python full-stack developer

Current Location: Anmore, Canada
Languages: English, Persian, Spanish
Skills: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Django, Docker, Fullstack Development, Git, JavaScript, Linux, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, MySQL, NumPy…

Joined: April 2020

Neil Murphy

A Mature Junior Develepor with extensive finance,…

Current Location: Toronto, Canada
Languages: English
Skills: Git, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Linux, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, SQL, SQLAlchemy, Virtualenv

Joined: October 2019

Emily Neufeld

Data Scientist/Developer

Current Location: Vancouver, Canada
Languages: English, German
Skills: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Big Data, Data Science, Git, Linux, Machine Learning, MySQL, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, S…

Joined: September 2017

Dusty Phillips

I've written a lot of Python code and a couple of…

Current Location: Nauwigewauk, Canada
Languages: English
Skills: Backend Development, Django, Fullstack Development, Git, Linux, ReactJS, Redis, SQLAlchemy

Joined: January 2017

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