Andre Machado

Python/Django Developer

Indaiatuba, Brazil


A Pythonista solopreneur in love with new technologies, looking for solve people's problems with passion and commitment. I believe that humans are made to contribute each other and technology was designed to make this thought possible.


English, Portuguese

Favorite Python Packages:

Django, Requests, Behave, Django Rest Framework, Pillow


QA Developer @ Diebold Nixdorf
At Diebold, I'm part of the Quality Assurance team, responsible for development and maintening of test case scenarios using BDD approach with Python, BEHAVE, Selenium, Appium and other tools.

Fullstack Developer @ Solopreneur
Since the beginning of my career, I've worked as a freelancer. I've created applications for some clients that I got by my friend's indication or on the web. Most of my work runs in intranet-style or in bitbucket private repositories. Always using Django, Python, PostgreSQL, and Heroku or LAN servers. Today, I work with many business logics to keep my knowledge out of my comfort zone

Fullstack Developer @ M2Agro
Worked in continuous development of the core business tool, creating new features and fixing bugs. We worked in a fast-paced agile environment managed with Scrum method. We used Python as core language with Django as Framework. Django Rest Framework, AngularJS, AWS, MySQL, Nginx, Gunicorn completes our technology stack.

Backend Developer @ Finxi SA
As the only backend developer in the team, I’ve worked in the modeling, development, and delivering of a Real state application. I've created a web interface with Django, Django templates, jQuery and a Rest API with Django Rest Framework. We had used PostgreSQL as database.


Backend Development, Django, Django REST Framework, JavaScript

Joined: February 2018