Azizul Haque Ananto

Software Engineer | Top 1% Python developer according to Codersrank

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Passionately working on the Backend for 5+ years. Helping companies to build their complex systems using Python, Go, Java. Built products for 7,000,000+ monthly active users. Working on high throughput systems, async technologies and distributed systems. Interested in Deep learning and real-life AI/ML integrations.


Bengali, English

Favorite Python Packages:

zeroapi sqlalchemy pandas flask redis numpy


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Backend Development, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, Elasticsearch, Flask, Fullstack Development, Git, Gunicorn, Heroku, JavaScript, Kafka, Kubernetes, MongoDB, MySQL, Nginx, Pandas, PostgreSQL, PyQt, REST, RabbitMQ, ReactJS, Redis, SQL, SQLAlchemy, Selenium, Virtualenv, Web Development, uWSGI

Joined: January 2021