Javier Nualart Lee

Python - Django - DevOps

Prince George, Canada


Get a great developer for the price of a cheap junior one!!

My experience as a Systems Integrator developing industrial services, coupled with my interest in
computer science has resulted in a well rounded knowledge of all aspects of IT, including Windows/Linux
OS management, networking, security, programming and dev-ops. As a showcase, I would like to point
you to this service I recently deployed on DigitalOcean: https://youtubecommentspider.clowd.app
This project is running a stack of docker containers for Postgres, PGAdmin, Scrapyd, Nginx and
Django/Uwsgi. As well as the Python development of the Scrapy and Django projects, you will find some
bash scripting for service configuration and management. The project is available as a public repository in
my GitHub account if you would like to review or test it:


English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:



For the last seven years I have been serving northern BC as an automation specialist, implementing
solutions for lumber, mining, oil and many other industries. My resume is inevitably focused on that
experience, so I would like to focus here on the skills that could make me a very valuable member of your
team; Programming, learning and problem solving and a track record of excellent client service.


Django, Docker, Git, Jenkins, Scrapy

Joined: February 2019