Alisa Dammer

Data Engineer, Software Engineer

Hamburg, Germany


As a backend engineer, I have experience building up services both as monoliths and within a microservice architecture. I have sufficient knowledge and experience to choose most appropriate tools and technology for the task with scalability in mind.
As a data engineer, I have experience creating a hypothesis, testing it with different models and approaches and successfully deploying the model into production. I have experience with every step in the pipeline: collection, preprocessing, training, testing, deployment, monitoring.
I am also able to create a hypothesis for the problem solving and creating the most appropriate model be it classic machine learning, econometrics, statistics or deep learning.


English, German, Russian

Favorite Python Packages:

numpy, pandas, Flask, SQLAlchemy, nltk, pytorch, sklearn, pytest, gensim


2+ years Java backend development: Dropwizard, Maven, Jackson, Jersey, Hibernate, JDBC, Mockito, TetNG, JUnitTest, Kafka, RabbitMQ, MySQL, Postgres

4+ years Python developement: Python 3, Flask, uWSGI, GUnicorn, Celery, Pytest, Monkeypatching

1+ years Frontend development: Angualr 1, React, JQuery


1. Microservice for a web-site content quality control: Java, Jersey, Mockito, Kafka, REST

2. Microservice for short-text classification: REST Python, NLTK, NLP (bayes), uWSGI, ELK

3. Microservice for a KPI report computation: REST Python, Flak, Redis, Celery, BigQuery, Pandas, uWSGI

4. Wrapper for rapid NN models prototyping via json/yaml config: Python 3.6, NumPy, Tensorflow

Hands-on experience with deployemnt with Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes


Backend Development, Celery, Data Science, Docker, Elasticsearch, Flask, Git, Gunicorn, JavaScript, Jenkins, Linux, Machine Learning, MySQL, Natural Language Processing, NumPy, Pandas, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, SQLAlchemy, SciPy, Visualization, jQuery

Joined: January 2018