Backend Software Developer

Isparta, Turkey


I am a Backend Engineer with 4 years of experience.


English, Russian

Favorite Python Packages:

FastAPI, httpx, SQLAlchemy


Relevant work experience:

  • 2023 - 2024

Backend Software Developer at BFG Soft 

Technologies: Python, Aiohttp, Postgres, Redis, MongoGridFS, Docker


As a Backend Software Developer, I played an important role in enhancing our platform's capabilities. 

Here are my key contributions: 

  1. Improved User Authorization: 
  • Significantly enhanced the backend application by seamlessly integrating user authorization with Active Directory via LDAP. 
  • Streamlined the authentication process, allowing users to access the application effortlessly using their Active Directory credentials. 
  1. Onboarding Pipeline Development: 
  • Achieved acceleration of the new feature developing time by speeding up the initial training time for new employees by 3 times after introducing a structured initial training system.
  1. Extending an API for Simulation Enhancement: 
  • Grew revenue by expanding the manufacturing virtual twins simulation functions, which was required by 30% of clients.


  • 2022 - 2023

Backend Software Developer at Express (

Technologies: Python, FastAPI, Postgres, Redis, MongoGridFS, Docker


In my role as a Backend Software Developer at Express, I generally accomplished the following:

  1. API Contract Provision:

Ensured seamless integration and interaction with backend services by developing and providing clear API contracts measured by enhanced compatibility and ease of integration for external systems by conducting thorough analysis of requirements, documenting APIs comprehensively, and maintaining consistency in API design.

  1. Microservice Interconnection Protocol Development:

Optimized communication and data exchange between microservices within the architecture by pioneering the development of a Microservice Interconnection Protocol resulting in increased efficiency and reliability of microservice interactions by researching industry best practices, designing a robust protocol, and overseeing its implementation.


  • 2020 - 2022

Backend Software Developer at a Building Construction Company

Technologies: Python, Django, Django REST framework, DRF, Flask, Celery, pytest, Selenium, Postgres, Docker, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. 


As a Backend Software Developer in a building construction company, I played a significant role in the development of a customized CRM system aimed at streamlining various business processes, including work schedule management, salary calculations, accounting, and client data handling. 

Improved team management capabilities for line managers, which enabled a 100% increase in the number of line personnel, by automating interaction with the project management program. 

Increased the number of successful deals, resulting in a 50% boost in processed applications, achieved through the creation of integration with a CRM system enabling precise tracking of application processing time. 

Reduced decision-making uncertainty for top management, resulting in a 30% revenue surge, facilitated by integration with a financial management system enabling the creation of customized reports and data visualization.


Django, Elasticsearch, FastAPI, Flask, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLAlchemy

Joined: February 2024