Mirza Musharaf Baig

Python/Django Developer

Lahore, Pakistan


I’m a Software Engineer with 3 years of experience in both web backend and frontend. I worked as backend developer for Fiverivers Technologies, a software developer focused on development for the Basketball industry by creating software Ballogy that measures, tracks, and evaluates the growth and progress of Basket ball players development over time with standardized assessments of general athletic skills.
Colleagues know me as a highly creative developer who can always be trusted to come up with a new approach and solutions. I spend a lot of time understanding the business and the audience before suggesting ideas. I can (and often do) work well alone, but I’m at my best collaborating with others.

I have a Computer Science degree from University of Management and Technology Lahore.

I’m currently working full time as Software Engineer but always eager to pursue new opportunities and learning new technologies


English, Urdu

Favorite Python Packages:



Python, Django, Angular, Redis, Celery, Docker, AWS, API Development, Django REST Framework


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Backend Development, Django, Django REST Framework, Docker, JavaScript

Joined: December 2019