Nicolas Perez

Backend Python Developer

Montevideo, Uruguay


Passionate backend developer with a keen eye for details, always giving the best and taking pride on my craft.


English, Spanish

Favorite Python Packages:

Decouple Django Flask Allauth Django Rest Framework Boto3 Requests Django storages


Senior Backend Developer at Hipcam Global - current

Part of an experiencied team with the task to rebuild their systems from scratch to support a great number of users.

Lead Developer at Innuy - 2015 - 2018

Lead a team of software engineers into the development of different project from start ups to well stablished companies.

IT Analyst at Gerdau - 2013 - 2015

In charge of maintinging the current systems and giving support to the end users.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Django, Django REST Framework, Linux, MySQL, PostgreSQL

Joined: August 2018