Debabrata Bhattacharya

Software Engineer

Kolkata, India


Software Engineer with experience developing Python applications. Can train and deploy Machine Learning models in Python. Can develop, integrate, and deploy AWS services.



Favorite Python Packages:

Flask, Django, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, matplotlib, and Pytest


Open Source Contributions
scikit-image: Image processing in Python

  • •Illustrated usage for natural sort algorithm by processing documentation in PR, which was successfully merged into master branch.

Key Projects

Diabetes Prediction

Android app with a Flask backend that performs diabetes prediction with an ensemble of 6 trained machine learning models.

  • Designed application architecture from specification documents, which was used to develop detailed Agile based plan for project development.
  • Led a team of 4 developers to create UIs and Kotlin backend code, and delivered functionality on a tight deadline.
  • Developed and deployed a Flask application to act as an API and serve as the backend for the Android app.
  • Developed pipelined architecture for training and serializing 6 models on the Pima Indians diabetes data set, which were then encapsulated into an ensemble and deployed using a Flask based API

Technologies used: Python, Flask, scikit-learn, Android SDK, Pytest

Random Question Paper Generator

Web and Android app with a custom python backend that generates custom Question sets from a very large question bank database.

  • Supervised a team of 8 developers to design and develop a web application component, and kept development on track when half the team dropped out.
  • Created a python application that connects to a MariaDB instance with 1000s of questions and generates a well-balanced question paper in 3 seconds.
  • Optimized the python application and the database instance that reduced processing time by 12 seconds from 15 to 3 seconds, a reduction of 500%.
  • Ported the web app to an Android app using WebView, which now eased app use on mobile devices.

Technologies used: Python, SQL, MariaDB, Android SDK, Pytest

Python application that sets up a custom development environment in seconds.

  • Created functionality to store any commands in YAML files, which created a layer of abstraction that allows for language agnostic setup.
  • Wrote tests using Pytest for the entire package leading to more than 95% code coverage.
  • Developed and documented set of commands for setting up python projects along with CI pipeline, which leads to consistent local workflow across all
  • projects of the organization.

Technologies used: Python, YAML, Pytest

Machine Learning Projects

  • Developed models for the following datasets: Pima Indians Diabetes dataset, Boston Housing dataset, Iris flowers dataset.
  • Analyzed the StackOverflow 2019 developer survey.

Technologies used: Python, scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Keras, matplotlib, Pytest

Wget Downloader
Python utility that downloads and archives webpages using the wget tool. Designed application architecture to generate layers of abstraction so that only a
file with links is required for input, simplifying archival operations. ,


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Django, Flask, Keras, Machine Learning, Matplotlib, TensorFlow

Joined: September 2020