Lusaka, Zambia
I have been building high-quality and scalable websites and applications with Python/Django,
JavaScript, Docker, Ionic framework, HTML5, and CSS. I am a solution-oriented web developer
with well-rounded experience in software development, object-oriented and user-centered design
looking for new opportunities in software development.
Requests, Celery, Django-environ, material-django-admin
Uplift Solar - Las Vegas, NV April 2020 - Present
Software Engineer - Freelance (Remote)
We are working on a web application, where we are implementing a mobile money API to
support sending bulk disbursements to people in different countries in Africa. As a python
engineer, I am responsible for writing code to process large volumes of files, code optimization, and code review.
Tools/Technologies includes Python, Django, JavaScript, Celery, RabbitMQ, Redis,
PostgreSQL, HTML and CSS.
Em13 - Miami Beach, Florida Nov 2019 - April 2020
Software Engineer - Remote
I mostly work on the core email marketing platform, building efficient email delivery and
tracking tools around it and also building and maintaining the API for our third-party mailer
companies to integrate with. I have helped in code optimization and building new features for
Em13 email marketing system, we work with these technologies on a day to day basis:
● Python (mostly with latest version 3.7)
● Django 1.11 - we use new latest feature versions for new products
● Celery, RabbitMQ, Docker and Linux
● PostgreSQL, MySQL databases
● Git/GitHub
● Rest APIs
● Agile delivery methodologies (mostly use Clubhouse for project management)
● Reactjs, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
Em13 - Miami Beach, Florida Aug 2019 - Oct 2019
Software Engineer Intern (Part-time - Remote)
My daily routine included writing the backend code for the mailing engine as well as the UI. I
successfully implemented route53 in our system to push and remove DNS records from AWS
route53. I successfully implemented Django-CKEditor in our system and built a plugin for the
custom email marker and I optimized the code to process CSV log files that are always
downloading new big sizes of log data, this reduced processing from hours to less than an hour. I
also helping newer intern setup development environment, at em13 we use the following stack
for the tools we build:
● Python (mostly with latest version 3.7)
● Django 1.11 - we use new latest feature versions for new products
● Celery, RabbitMQ, Docker, and Linux
● PostgreSQL, MySQL databases
● Git/GitHub
● Rest APIs
● Agile delivery methodologies (mostly use Clubhouse for project management)
● Reactjs, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
ZPOS Mobile - Lusaka, Zambia Aug 2018 - Oct 2019
Software Developer
As a full-stack mobile app developer, my team and I successfully developed a POS mobile and a
reporting app using JavaScript and HTML technologies. The two apps are now being used by
hundreds of business owners in my country. At ZPOS Mobile we used the following stack for
mobile app development:
● JavaScript and Typescript
● Ionic framework
● Git/Github and npm
● Scrum (Clubhouse)
● CouchDB (NoSQL)
Bank of Zambia (Lusaka, Zambia) Aug 2017 - Feb 2018
HR ICT Officer
I worked for Bank of Zambia as an ICT Officer in the HR department, I was responsible for
fixing computer hardware and network related issues as well as data entry works.
Backend Development, Django, Docker, Git, JavaScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Web Development, Web Scraping