Artem Khymenko

Python / Django developer

Dnipro, Ukraine


How to be(stay) interesting personality with own particular qualities, develop yourself, satiate curious mind throughout whole life, have unlimited perspectives and have practical opportunity to implement and apply innovative technologies?
It's all about software developing. I chose key to this dream paradigm in Python – awesome programming language and ecosystem.
The most interesting and great persons and ideas are connected with IT and programming. The desire to be among this bright people and ideas, understand and participate brought me to back-end web development.
The best way to get in touch with innovative spheres is to become a software developer.
I'm impressed by Python community, this persons are passionate about their projects and are ready to share in blogs, podcasts, conferences. As a self-taught developer I really appreciate it.
I continue improve Python developer skills to make it solid.
Now my focus is on building web applications by Django framework using best practices in it.


English, Russian, Ukrainian

Favorite Python Packages:

Virtualenv, Requests, Scrapy, SQLAlchemy, BeautifulSoup, Pillow


1. Portfolio site

Portfolio site powered by Django with Bootstrap front-end, deploying to Heroku and serving static and media files at Amazon S3. Include blog application(I promise I'll be blogging:-)).

2. Pinxi - basic online shop

Basic online shop project with categories, product list, shopping cart, coupon system.
Deploy to PythonAnyWhere.

3. Web Scraping Livingsocial site

It's a project of a web scraper to gathering data from LivingSocial site using Scrapy and save results to Postgres database. Here I also use SQLAlchemy library to interact with Postgres database.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AngularJS, Backend Development, Django, Django REST Framework, Git, JavaScript, Linux, PostgreSQL, Scrapy, Virtualenv, Web Development, Web Scraping, jQuery

Joined: January 2017